Easy Citation in Google Docs

gafecitationThere used to be two ways to teach students to cite their resources: citationmachine.net and the long lesson plan where they learn how to format APA or MLA entries and then be graded on what parts were underlined or did you include a page number or not? Now, if your students are using Google Apps, this article makes it even easier. This article from Education Technology and Mobile Learning tells you how to do it.

The URL: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2014/10/here-is-how-to-easily-cite-papers-in.html

10 Assessments You Can Perform In 90 Seconds

This post made the rounds last spring and I’ve been seeing it again this week. Te@chThought outlines ten simple ideas for gathering informal, formative information on how your students are learning in any subject area. Whether you use Google forms, exit passes or verbal interaction, there is something for everyone here.

The URL: http://www.teachthought.com/teaching/10-assessments-you-can-perform-in-90-seconds/

Creepy, Crawly but Cool

This Halloween Enjoy page from 2Learn.ca is out just in time for your Halloween preparations. Learn all about bats and spiders and how they fit in our mythology, ecology and why they’re as cool as they are creepy. There are student interactives and teacher resources as well as links to other information such as conservation.

The URL: http://www.2learn.ca/enjoy/creepy/default.aspx

A Veteran Teacher Shadows 2 Students for 2 Days…

My brother, Mike, passed this article to me the other day and I thought it was insightful. The author, Grant Wiggins – a veteran teacher, shadowed two students for a couple of days. Mr. Wiggins’ perspective of student life changed dramatically and he shares his learned lessons in this blog post. It certainly has me thinking about what my classes look like from one of those computer desks. Be sure to read the blog comments too.

The URL: http://grantwiggins.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/a-veteran-teacher-turned-coach-shadows-2-students-for-2-days-a-sobering-lesson-learned/